2014年5月9日 星期五



With our advertising programs, we strive to create an online ecosystem that benefits publishers, advertisers and users. For this reason, we sometimes have to take action against accounts that demonstrate behavior toward users or advertisers that may negatively impact how the ecosystem is perceived. In your case, we have detected invalid activity in your AdSense account and it has been disabled.

We're limited in the amount of information we can provide about your specific violation. We understand this can be frustrating for you, but we've taken these precautionary measures because intentional violators can use this information to circumvent our detection systems.

In some cases, publishers can make significant changes to correct the violation and are willing to comply with the AdSense program policies (google.com/adsense/policies). For this reason, we offer an appeals process as an opportunity to work with you to resolve the issue. To help you with the process, we’ve created a list of the top reasons for account closure for you to review before submission at http://support.google.com/adsense/bin/answer.py?answer=2660562. Please be sure to provide a thorough analysis in your appeal, which you can submit at https://support.google.com/adsense/bin/request.py?contact_type=appeal_form and we will follow up accordingly.

Thanks for your understanding,
The Google AdSense Team

什麼都沒做AdSense帳號就被停了... 自從申請AdSense帳號到現在,雖然累積了一丁點(現在被停了也看不到現在到底累積多少.. 不過印象中好像差不多也只有三十幾塊美金的樣子),從來沒取錢過..... 就趁這個機會把廣告移除,順便修改了一下blog的風格....

p.s. "Thanks for your understanding," -> 嗯,我懂,我不放廣告就是了...

後續: 申訴無效,不過沒差,反正我也不放廣告了...

我們收到您的申訴了。非常感謝您提供額外資訊,同時也感謝您對 AdSense 計劃的持續關注。不過,在徹底審查您的帳戶資料並考量您的意見後,我們的專家已決定不將您的 AdSense 帳戶復權。

請注意,一旦我們對您的申訴做出裁決,就不再受理後續申訴,也不會再與您聯絡。還有一點,如果 AdSense 發佈商的帳戶是因違反《條款及細則》而被停用,就無法繼續參與 AdSense,因此也無法新建帳戶。

此外,因無效點擊活動而被停權的帳戶不會再收到付款,我們也不會重新核發任何先前的款項給這類帳戶,未付帳款和 Google 的收益分享將全數退還給受影響的廣告客戶;感謝您的諒解。

您或許想進一步瞭解自己的帳戶活動,這點我們可以理解。不過,為了保護 Google 的獨家偵測系統,我們無法提供關於發佈商帳戶活動的任何詳情。


Google AdSense 小組敬上

2014年5月7日 星期三

刪除Windows XP內記憶的Samba密碼

1. 下 net use \\IP /delete

2. 到控制台/使用者帳戶/進階/管理密碼,就可以刪除