2004年8月23日 星期一

MD5 is not secure any more.

A Collision in the full MD5 hash function was found by researchers in China.
Wang, Feng, Lai, and Yu published full collisions for:
  • MD4,
  • MD5,
  • HAVAL-128, and
  • RIPEMD-128 This represents on the the most substantial developments in cryptography in recent years.

  • Using their technique, an MD5 collision can be found in a matter or hours!!!

    也就是說你拿到MD5的Hash code之後,可以很快的找到一組經過MD5 Hash過後會產生相同Hash code的資料。因為如此,許多根據MD5而衍生出來的一些安全演算法,如數位簽章,也會變得不安全。

